I am SO inspired by the support going out to bullied gay teens right now. Gay Rights is a cause to which I am deeply dedicated since a large majority of my friends are gay. I can’t imagine my life without them and I can’t imagine their live’s without each other. The love they bring to the world is absolutely wonderful. Regardless of who is being bullied, it is wrong on every level and I am glad that this campaign has brought it to people’s attention. The more negative press it gets and the more we suppress it the harder it is for it to survive. People are bullied for a variety of reasons, but I love how this campaign is approaching it. The point of “It Gets Better” is obviously to speak out against gay bullying, but its doing something else in the process. Its focusing on why kids are being bullied, not the bullying itself. Its like a face to a name. When you take away the reason for the bullying and turn the tables on a bully, it makes it harder to continue the bullying. (though not impossible) I think this has happened more by accident than on purpose with a few things in today’s society. For example, The Civil Rights Movement wasn’t started as an “anti-bullying campaign,” it was started to give all races, creeds and colors equal rights. In the end, it helped to crack down on bullies because it made being from a different culture or race normal rather than different. Likewise, society has also made being a “nerd” cool instead of weird. Though like the Civil Rights Movement this probably has more to do with the evolution of society and (quite frankly) fashion than it does with an anti-bullying campaign. So, in the end, I thank “It Gets Better” for making a difference in the lives of gay teens and giving them strength when they feel that no one around them has support or love to share with them. However, I alsothank the campaign for giving bullying yet another face that we can relate to and working to eliminate it directly, but also indirectly. With so many people sharing so much love, how could it NOT get better?!
Please, please, please visit TheTrevorProject.org for more details!!
I think this is a wonderful campaign. Hopefully it will help a lot of kids .