
"The Most Happy"

This week Dr. Retha Warnicke, Historian and professor of history at Arizona State University, will be on my college campus giving a lecture called:

"Anne Boleyn, the Countess of Leicester, and Diplomatic Libels: A Whore and a She-Wolf." 

I will DEFINITELY be attending. (You know how some people say they have been dancing since before they could walk? I have been obsessed with The Tudors since I was born) Dr. Warnicke is said to have controversial theories about one of my favorite Tudor women, Anne Boleyn and whether or not she is actually the whorish, disfigured, truly terrible woman history has made her out to be.
A few of Dr. Warnicke's theories on Anne Boleyn:

  • Believes Anne was born in 1507, not 1501 as commonly believed.
  • Anne did not have deformities such as an extra fingernail or mole as those rumors did not start until after her death and no living person confirmed them while she was alive.
  • Anne miscarried a deformed fetus in 1536. Dr. Warnicke believes this is what gave way to the accusations of witchcraft, adultery and unfaithfulness that have given Anne the reputation of participant rather than victim in her death.
As long as the lurid charges against the Queen exist only in unsubstantiated indictments and contradictory diplomatic writings, historians ought to remain sceptical about factional theories of her adulterous guilt or of factional politics. At the least, they owe it to the past not to further obscure the facts.-Dr. Retha Warnicke
I will be interested in hearing the evidence she has compiled to support her theories. History is often hard to prove, but I never tire of hearing another way it might have happened!

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